Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 535 – Lesotho-South Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 535 – Lesotho-South Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 535 – Lesotho-South Africa

Resolution 535 (1983) of 29 June 1983

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 527 (1982),

Having examined the report of the Mission to Lesotho appointed by the Secretary-General in accord-ance with resolution 527 (1982),65

Having heard the statement of the Charge d’affaires of the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Lesotho expressing the deep concern of his Government at the frequent aggressive acts by South Africa against the territorial integrity and independence of Lesotho,

Reaffirming its opposition to the system of apart-heid and the right of all countries to receive refugees fleeing from apartheid oppression, Convinced of the importance of international solidarity with Lesotho,

  1. Commends the Government of Lesotho for its steadfast opposition to apartheid and its generosity to the South African refugees;

2. Expresses its apprecmtton to the Secretary-General for having arranged to send a mission to Lesotho to ascertain the assistance needed;

3. Endorses the report of the Mission to Lesotho under resolution 527 (1982);

4. Requests Member States, international organizations and financial institutions to assist Lesotho in the fields identified in the report of the Mission to Lesotho;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to give the matter of assistance to Lesotho his continued attention and to keep the Security Council informed;

6. Decides to remain seized of the question.

Adopted unanimously at the 2455th meeting.

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