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United Nations Security Council Resolution 569 – South Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 569 – South Africa

Resolution 569 (1985) of 26 July 1985

The Security Council,

Deeply concerned at the worsening of the situation in South Africa and at the continuance of the human suffering that the apartheid system, which the Council strongly condemns, is causing in that country,

Outraged at the repression, and condemning the arbitrary arrests of hundreds of persons,

Considering that the imposition of the state of emergency in thirty-six districts of the Republic of South Africa constitutes a grave deterioration of the situation in that country,

Considering as totally unacceptable the practice by the South African Government of detention without trial and of forcible removal, as well as the discriminatory legislation in force,

Acknowledging the legitimacy of the aspirations of the South African population as a whole to benefit from all civil and political rights and to establish a united non-racial and democratic society,

Acknowledging further that the very cause of the situation in South Africa lies in the policy of apartheid and the practices of the South African Government,

  1. Strongly condemns the apartheid system and all the policies and practices deriving therefrom;

2. Strongly condemns the mass arrests and detentions recently carried out by the Pretoria Government and the murders which have been committed;

3. Strongly condemns the establishment of the state of emergency in the thirty-six districts in which it has been imposed and demands that it be lifted immediately;

4. Calls upon the South African Government to set free immediately and unconditionally all political prisoners and detainees, first of all, Mr. Nelson Mandela;

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5. Reafirms that only the total elimination of apartheid and the establishment in South Africa of a free, united and democratic society on the basis of universal suffrage can lead to a solution;

6. Urges States Members of the United Nations to adopt measures against South Africa, such as the following:

(a) Suspension of all new investment in South Africa;

(b) Prohibition of the sale of krugerrands and all other coins minted in South Africa;

(c) Restrictions on sports and cultural relations;

(d) Suspension of guaranteed export loans;

(e) Prohibition of all new contracts in the nuclear field;

(j) Prohibition of all sales of computer equipment that may be used by the South African army and police;

7. Commends those States which have already adopted voluntary measures against the Pretoria Government and urges them to adopt new provisions, and invites those which have not yet done so to follow their example;

8. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council on the implementation of the present resolution;

9. Decides to remain seized of the matter and to reconvene as soon as the Secretary-General has issued his report, with a view to considering the progress made in the implementation of the present resolution.

Adopted at the 2602nd meeting by 13 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America).

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