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United Nations Security Council Resolution 637 – Central America

United Nations Security Council Resolution 637 – Central America

Resolution 637 (1989) of 27 July 1989

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 530 (1983) of 19 May 1983 and 562 (1985) of 10 May 1985 and General Assembly resolutions 38/10 of 11 November 1983, 39/4 of 26 Oc- tober 1984, 41/37 of 18 November 1986, 42/1 of 7 October 1987 and 43/24 of 15 November 1988, as well as the initiative that the Secretary-General of the United Nations undertook on 18 November 1986 together with the Secretary General of the Organization of American States,

Convinced that the peoples of Central America wish to achieve a peaceful settlement of their conflicts without outside interference, including support for irregular forces, with respect for the principles of self-determination and non-intervention while ensuring full respect for human rights,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General of 26 June 1989 submitted in pursuance of Security Coun- cil resolutions 530 (1983) and 562 (1985),

Recognizing the important contribution of the Contadora Group and its Support Group in favour of peace in Central America,

Welcoming the agreement on “Procedures for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace in Central America” signed at Guatemala City on 7 August 1987 by the Presidents of the Republics of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua as the manifestation of the will of the peoples of Central America to achieve peace, democratization, reconciliation, development and justice, in accordance with their decision to meet the historical challenge of forging a peaceful destiny for the region,

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Welcoming also the subsequent Joint Declarations issued by the Central American Presidents on 16 January 1988 at Alajuela, Costa Rica and on 14 February 1989 at Costa del Sol, El Salvador,

Aware of the importance which the Central American Presidents attach to the role of international verification as an essential component for the implementation of the above-mentioned instruments, including, in particular, their commitments relating to regional security, especially non-use of territory to support destabilization of neighbouring countries, and democratization, especially free and fair elections, as well as to the voluntary demobilization, repatriation or relocation of ir regular forces, as agreed in the Costa del Sol accord of 1/2 14 February 1989,

Aware also that the commitments enshrined in the Guatemala agreement 87 form a harmonious and indi- visible whole,

Noting with appreciation the efforts undertaken to date by the Secretary-General in support of the Central American peace process, including his assistance in the establishment of appropriate mechanisms to verify compliance with the provisions of the Guatemala agreement and of the Joint Declaration adopted by the Central American Presidents at their meeting held in El Salvador on 14 February 1989, and particularly the Secretary-General’s agreement with Nicaragua to deploy a United Nations observer mission to verify the electoral process,

  1. Commends the desire for peace expressed by the Central American Presidents in signing on 7 August 1987 at Guatemala City the agreement on “Procedures for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace in Central America” 87 and in the Joint Declarations subsequently signed in pursuance of it;
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2. Expresses its firmest support for the Guatemala agreement and the Joint Declarations;

3. Calls upon the Presidents to continue their efforts to achieve a firm and lasting peace in Central America through the faithful implementation of the commitments entered into in the Guatemala agreement and in the expressions of good will contained in the Joint Declaration of 14 February 1989;

4. Appeals to all States, in particular to those which have links with the region and interests in it, to back the political will of the Central American countries to comply with the provisions of the Guatemala agreement and of the Joint Declaration, particularly that regional and extra-regional Governments which either openly or convertly supply aid to irregular forces or insurrectional movements in the area immediately halt such aid, with the exception of the humanitarian aid that contributes to the goals of the Costa del Sol accord;

5. Lends its full support to the Secretary-General to continue his mission of good offices, in consultation with the Security Council, in support of the Central American Governments in their effort to achieve the goals set forth in the Guatemala agreement;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council regularly on the implementation of the present resolution.

Adopted unanimously at the 2871st meeting.

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