United Nations Security Council Resolution 656 – Central America
Resolution 656 (1990) of 8 June 1990
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolution 654 (1990) of 4 May 1990 and the statement made by the President of the Council on its behalf on 23 May92 concerning the United Nations Observer Group in Central America,
Expressing its concern that the process of demobilization has not yet been fully completed, although progress is now being made after the removal of obstacles that pre-vented the conclusion of the demobilization process on 10 June 1990, as stipulated in resolution 654 ( 1990),
Having studied the report submitted by the Secretary-General on 4 June 199093 as well as his statement of 8 June to the members of the Council,94
1. Decides that the tasks of the United Nations Ob-server Group in Central America of monitoring the cease-fire and separation of forces in Nicaragua and demobilizing members of the Nicaraguan resistance shall be extended, on the understanding, as recommended by the Secretary-General,95 that those tasks will lapse with the completion of the demobilization process, not later than 29 June 1990;
2. Urges all those directly involved in the demobilization process to take all necessary measures to maintain and, if possible, increase the rate of demobilization so as to complete it, at the latest, on the date specified in paragraph 1 above;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council fully informed of further developments and in particular to report to it not later than 29 June 1990 concerning the completion of the demobilization process.
Adopted unanimously at the 2927th meeting.