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United Nations Security Council Resolution 721 – Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 721 – Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Resolution 721 (1991) of 27 November 1991.

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolution 713 (1991) of 25 September 1991,

Considering the request by the Government of Yugoslavia for the establishment of a peace-keeping operation in Yugoslavia, as conveyed in the letter of 26 November 1991 from the Permanent Representative of Yugoslavia to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council, 194

Deeply concerned by the fighting in Yugoslavia and by the serious violations of earlier cease-fire agreements, which have caused heavy loss of human life and widespread material damage, and by the consequences for the countries of the region,

Noting that the continuation and aggravation of this situation constitute a threat to international peace and security.

Considering also the letter of 24 November 1991 from the Secretary-General to the President of the Security Council¹95 on the mission of his Personal Envoy to Yugoslavia and the annexed agreement signed in Geneva on 23 November 1991.

Considering further the fact, as conveyed in the above-mentioned letter of the Secretary-General, that each one of the Yugoslav participants in the meeting with his Personal Envoy stated that they wanted to see the deployment of a United Nations peace-keeping operation as soon as possible.

  1. Approves the efforts of the Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy, and expresses the hope that they will pursue their contacts with the Yugoslav parties as rapidly as possible so that the Secretary-General can present early recommendations to the Security Council including for the possible establishment of a United Nations peace-keeping operation in Yugoslavia;
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2. Endorses the statement made by the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General to the parties that the deployment of a United Nations peace-keeping operation cannot be envisaged without, inter alia, full compliance by all parties with the agreement signed in Geneva on 23 November 1991 and annexed to the letter of the Secretary-General of 24 November 1991:

3. Strongly urges the Yugoslav parties to comply fully with that agreement;

4. Undertakes to examine the recommendations of the Secretary-General mentioned above and take appropriate action without delay upon them, including in particular any recommendation for the possible establishment of a United Nations peace-keeping operation in Yugoslavia;

5. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter until a peaceful solution is achieved.

Adopted unanimously at the 3018th meeting.

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