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United Nations Security Council Resolution 797 – Mozambique

United Nations Security Council Resolution 797 – Mozambique

Resolution 797 (1992)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 782 (1992) of 13 October 1992,

Recalling also the statement of the President of the Security Council of 27 October 1992,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General dated 3 December 1992,

Stressing the importance it attaches to the General Peace Agreement for Mozambique and to the fulfilment by the parties in good faith of the obligations contained therein,

Noting the efforts made so far by the Government of Mozambique and the Resistencia Nacional Mozambicana to maintain the cease-fire, and expressing concern over the delays in initiating some of the major tasks arising from the General Peace Agreement,

Welcoming the appointment by the Secretary-General of an interim Special Representative for Mozambique who will be in overall charge of United Nations activities in support of the General Peace Agreement for Mozambique as well as the dispatch to Mozambique of a team of twenty-five military observers, as approved by resolution 782 (1992) of 13 October 1992,

Noting the intention of the Secretary-General, in this as in other peace-keeping operations, to monitor expenditures carefully during this period of increasing demands on peace-keeping resources,

  1. Approves the report of the Secretary-General dated 3 December 1992 and the recommendations contained therein;

2. Decides to establish a United Nations Operation in Mozambique as proposed by the Secretary-General and in line with the General Peace Agreement for Mozambique, and requests the Secretary-General in planning and executing the deployment of the Operation to seek economies through, inter alia, phased deployment and to report regularly on what is achieved in this regard;

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3. Further decides that the United established for a period until 31 October objectives described in the report of the Nations Operation in Mozambique is 1993 in order to accomplish the Secretary-General;

4. Calls upon the Government of Mozambique and the Resistencia Nacional Mozambicana to cooperate fully with the interim Special Representative of the Secretary-General and with the United Nations Operation in Mozambique and to respect scrupulously the cease-fire and all the commitments entered into under the Agreement, and stresses that the full respect of these commitments constitutes a necessary condition for the fulfilment by the United Nations Operation in Mozambique of its mandate;

5. Demands that all parties and others concerned in Mozambique take all measures necessary to ensure the safety of United Nations and all other personnel deployed pursuant to this and prior resolutions;

6. Endorses the approach in paragraphs 30 and 51 of the Secretary-General’s report as regards the timetable for the electoral process, and invites the Secretary-General to consult closely with all the parties on the precise timing of and preparations for the presidential and legislative elections as well as on a precise timetable for the implementation of the other major aspects of the Agreement and to report back to the Council on this as soon as possible, and in any event not later than 31 March 1993;

7. Calls upon the Government of Mozambique and the Resistencia Nacional Mozambicana to finalize, in close coordination with the interim Special Representative, as soon as possible organizational and logistical preparations for the demobilization process;

8. Encourages Member States to respond positively to requests made to them by the Secretary-General to contribute personnel and equipment to the United Nations Operation in Mozambique;

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9. Further encourages Member States to contribute voluntarily to United Nations activities in support of the General Peace Agreement for Mozambique, and requests United Nations programmes and specialized agencies to provide appropriate assistance and support for the implementation of the major tasks arising from the Agreement;

10. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council informed of developments and to submit a further report to the Council by 31 March 1993;

11. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3149th meeting, on 16 December 1992.

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