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United Nations Security Council Resolution 810 – Cambodia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 810 – Cambodia

Resolution 810 (1993)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 668 (1990) of 20 September 1990 and 745 (1992) of 28 February 1992 and other relevant resolutions,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General dated 13 February 1993 (S/25289),

Paying tribute to His Royal Highness Prince Norodom Sihanouk, President of the Supreme National Council (SNC), for his continuing efforts to restore peace and national unity in Cambodia,

Recalling that under the Paris Agreements the Cambodian people have the right to determine their own political future through the free and fair election of a constituent assembly, which will draft and approve a new Cambodian constitution and transform itself into a legislative assembly, which will create the new Cambodian government,

Welcoming the achievements of the Secretary-General and UNTAC in the implementation of the Paris Agreements, in particular regarding voter registration and refugee repatriation, and reaffirming its continuing support for the activities of UNTAC,

Welcoming the decision taken by the SNC at its meeting on 10 February 1993 to adopt a moratorium on the export of minerals and gems and to consider limits on the export of sawn timber from Cambodia in order to protect Cambodia’s natural resources,

Deploring the violations of the cease-fire by the PDK and the SOC,

Concerned by the increasing number of acts of violence perpetrated on political grounds, in particular in areas under the control of the SOC, and on ethnic grounds, and by the negative implications of such acts for the implementation of the Paris Agreements,

Underlining the importance of measures by UNTAC in order to ensure a neutral political environment in Cambodia, Condemning attacks, threats and intimidation against UNTAC, in particular the recent detention of UNTAC personnel,

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Deploring the failure of the PDK to meet its obligations under the Paris Agreements, notably as regards unrestricted access by UNTAC to the areas under its control and as regards the application of phase II of the cease-fire, and urging the party concerned to join fully in the implementation of the Paris Agreements,

Expressing strong concern at recent reports by UNTAC of a small number of foreign military personnel serving with the armed forces of the SOC in violation of the Paris Agreements; calling on all parties to cooperate fully with UNTAC investigations of reports of foreign forces within the territory under their control; and emphasizing the importance of the immediate removal of all foreign forces, advisers and military personnel from Cambodia,

  1. Approves the report of the Secretary-General dated 13 February 1993 (S/25289);

2. Endorses the decision by the Supreme National Council that the election for the constituent assembly shall be held from 23 to 27 May 1993;

3. Underlines the crucial importance of national reconciliation for the attainment of lasting peace and stability in Cambodia;

4. Urges all Cambodian parties to cooperate fully with UNTAC in the preparation and holding of the election for the constituent assembly;

5. Expresses its satisfaction at the extent of voter registration;

6. Calls on UNTAC to continue to make every effort to create and maintain a neutral political environment conducive to the holding of free and fair elections, and reguesta the Secretary-General to inform the Security Council by 15 May 1993 of the conditions and preparations for the election;

7. Urges all Cambodian parties to help create in the minds of their followers tolerance for peaceful political competition and to ensure adherence to the code of conduct during the forthcoming political campaign;

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8. Urges in particular all Cambodian parties to take all necessary measures to ensure freedom of speech, assembly and movement; as well as fair access to the media, including the press, television and radio, for all registered political parties during the electoral campaign starting on 7 April 1993, and to take all necessary steps to reassure the Cambodian people that the balloting for the election will be secret;

9. Demands that all Cambodian parties take the necessary measures to put an end to all acts of violence and to all threats and intimidation committed on political or ethnic grounds, and urges all those parties to cooperate with the UNTAC Special Prosecutor’s Office in investigations of such acts;

10. Expresses its full confidence in the ability of UNTAC to conduct an election that is free and fair and its readiness to endorse the results of the election provided that the United Nations certifies it free and fair;

11. Calls on all Cambodian parties to abide by their commitment under the Paris Agreements to respect those results;

12. Recognizes that the Cambodians themselves bear primary responsibility for the implementation of the Paris Agreements and for the future stability and well-being of Cambodia;

13. Recognizes in particular that the Cambodians have the responsibility, after the election for the constituent assembly, to agree on a constitution and to create a government within three months and emphasizes the importance of completing that task on time;

14. Expresses its readiness to support fully the constituent assembly and the process of drawing up a constitution and establishing a new government for all Cambodia;

15. Takes note of the remarks of the Secretary-General in paragraph 44 of his report concerning the security situation in Cambodia during the period between the election for the constituent assembly and the end of the mandate of UNTAC upon the creation of a government, and welcomes his intention to submit recommendations in that connection;

16. Commends the decision of the SNC at its meeting on 10 February 1993 to adopt measures for the protection of Cambodia’s natural resources, and supports steps taken by the Technical Advisory Committee on Management and Sustainable Exploitation of Natural Resources to implement these decisions;

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17. Reiterates its demand that all parties honour in full their obligations under the Paris Agreements, in particular to desist from all offensive military activity;

18. Demands that all parties take all action necessary to safeguard lives and the security of UNTAC personnel throughout Cambodia, and desist from all threats or intimidation against UNTAC personnel and from any interference with them in the performance of their mandate;

19. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council in the context of his fourth progress report in April 1993 on the implementation of this resolution, and on any further measures that may be necessary and appropriate to ensure the realization of the fundamental objectives of the Paris Agreements;

20. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3181st meeting, on 8 March 1993.

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