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United Nations Security Council Resolution 823 – Angola

United Nations Security Council Resolution 823 – Angola

Resolution 823 (1993)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 696 (1991) of 30 May 1991, 747 (1992) of 24 March 1992, 785 (1992) of 30 October 1992, 793 (1992) of 30 November 1992, 804 (1993) of 29 January 1993 and 811 (1993) of 12 March 1993,

Recalling its resolution 804 (1993), in particular its paragraph 15, by which it decided to extend the mandate of UNAVEM II for a period of three months until 30 April 1993,

Extending its support to the current and ongoing peace talks in Abidjan between the Government of Angola and UNITA under United Nations auspices and chairmanship and expressing the hope that those talks will result in an immediate cease-fire and in the full implementation of the “Acordos de Paz”,

Gravely concerned at the continuing attacks against international humanitarian flights operating in Angola, in particular the recent shooting down of a World Food Programme airplane,

Taking into account the letter dated 29 April 1993 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council,

  1. Decides to extend the existing mandate of UNAVEM II until 31 May 1993;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to it as soon as the situation warrants, and in any case before 31 May 1993, a report on the situation in Angola with his recommendations for the further role of the United Nations in the peace process and in the meantime to keep the Council regularly informed;

3. Stresses its readiness to take action promptly, at any time within the period of the mandate authorized by this resolution, on the recommendation of the Secretary-General, to expand substantially the United Nations presence in Angola in the event of significant progress in the peace process;

4. Condemns the attacks against international humanitarian flights operating in Angola and demands that these attacks cease forthwith and that both parties, in particular UNITA, take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of these flights as well as the security of UNAVEM II personnel;

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5. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3206th meeting, on 30 April 1993.

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