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United Nations Security Council Resolution 826 – Cambodia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 826 – Cambodia

Resolution 826 (1993)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 668 (1990) of 20 September 1990, 745 (1992) of 28 February 1992, 810 (1993) of 8 March 1993 and other relevant resolutions,

Taking note of the reports of the Secretary-General dated 3 May 1993 (S/25719) and 15 May 1993 (S/25784),

Expressing its strong support for the almost five million Cambodians who, in spite of violence and intimidation, have registered to vote in the election of a constituent assembly, and have broadly and actively participated in the electoral campaign,

Recognizing the great importance of His Royal Highness Prince Norodom Sihanouk, President of the Supreme National Council (SNC), continuing his invaluable efforts in Cambodia to achieve national reconciliation and restore peace,

  1. Approves the reports of the Secretary-General dated 3 May 1993 {S/25719) and 15 May 1993 (S/25784);

2. Expresses its satisfaction with the arrangements made by the United Nations for the conduct of the election for the constituent assembly in Cambodia described in the report of the Secretary-General (S/25784);

3. Demands that all the parties abide by the Paris Agreements and give UNTAC the full cooperation required under them;

4. Commends those participating in the election campaign in accordance with the Paris Agreements despite the violence and intimidation in order that the Cambodian people may have an opportunity to choose freely their own government;

5. Deplores all acts of non-cooperation with the Paris Agreements and condemns all acts of violence committed on political and ethnic grounds, intimidation and attacks on UNTAC personnel;

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6. Expresses its full support for the measures taken by UNTAC to protect the safety of UNTAC personnel and underlines the need for UNTAC to continue its efforts in this regard;

7. Demands that all parties take all actions necessary to safeguard the lives and the security of UNTAC personnel throughout Cambodia, and desist from all threats or intimidation against UNTAC personnel and from any interference with them in the performance of their mandate;

8. Expresses its appreciation for the positive efforts and the achievements of UNTAC in preparation for the elections, in respect both of the registration of candidates and parties and of the holding of the electoral campaign, albeit under difficult conditions;

9. Fully supports the decision of the Secretary-General that the election be held as scheduled in accordance with the decision of the SNC endorsed by the Security Council in its resolution 810 (1993);

10. Calls on UNTAC to continue to work in accordance with resolution 810 (1993) to ensure a neutral political environment conducive to the holding of free and fair elections;

11. Reaffirms its determination to endorse the results of the election for the constituent assembly provided that the United Nations certifies it free and fair;

12. Reminds all the Cambodian parties of their obligation under the Paris Agreements fully to comply with the results of the election;

13. Warns that the Council will respond appropriately should any of the parties fail to honour its obligations;

14. Reaffirms its readiness to support fully the constituent assembly and the process of drawing up a constitution and establishing a new government for all Cambodia and to support subsequent efforts to promote national reconciliation and peace building;

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15. Recognizes that the Cambodians themselves bear primary responsibility for the implementation of the Paris Agreements and for the political future and well-being of their own country, and reaffirms that all Cambodian parties are expected to honour their obligations under the Paris Agreements and participate constructively and peacefully in the political process after the election;

16. Requests the Secretary-General to report promptly to the Council on the holding and results of the election, including on the conduct of the parties as regards their obligations under the Paris Agreements and, if necessary, to recommend any initiative and/or measures conducive to ensuring their full respect by all parties;

17. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3213th meeting, on 20 May 1993.

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