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United Nations Security Council Resolution 886 – Somalia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 886 – Somalia

Resolution 886 (1993) of 18 November 1993

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 733 (1992) of23 January 1992 and all subsequent relevant resolutions,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 12 November 1993,

Noting the significant improvement in the situation in most areas of Somalia achieved by the United Nations Operation in Somalia II as described in that report,

Noting also paragraph 72 of the report of the Secretary-General,

Recognizing that the people of Somalia bear the ultimate responsibility for national reconciliation and reconstruction of their own country,

Stressing the commitment of the international community to continue helping Somalia in its efforts to accelerate the process of national reconstruction and to promote stability, rehabilitation and political reconciliation and to regain a normal, peaceful life,

Recalling that the highest priority of the Operation continues to be to support the efforts of the Somali people in promoting the process of national reconciliation and the establishment of democratic institutions,

Affirming that the General Agreement signed in Addis Ababa on 8 January 199331 and the Addis Ababa Agreement of the First Session of the Conference on National Reconciliation in Somalia, signed on 27 March 1993,23 establish a sound basis for resolution of the problems in Somalia,

Emphasizing in this context the crucial importance of disarmament in achieving lasting peace and stability throughout Somalia,

Condemning the continuing acts of violence and armed attacks against persons engaged in humanitarian and peace-keeping efforts, and paying tribute to those troops and humanitarian personnel of several countries who have been killed or injured while serving in Somalia,

Determining that the situation in Somalia continues to threaten peace and security in the region,

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. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General;

2. Commends the Secretary-General, his Special Representative and the personnel of the United Nations Operation in Somalia II for their achievements in improving the conditions of the Somali people and in promoting the process of national reconciliation and reconstruction of the country;

3. Decides, acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, to renew the mandate of the Operation for an additional period expiring on 31 May 1994;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council by 15 January 1994, or at any time before that if the situation warrants, on the progress made in achieving national reconciliation by the Somali people and that made in the attainment of political, security and humanitarian goals, and also requests the Secretary-General, as part of that report, to provide an updated plan setting out the Operation’s future concerted strategy with regard to its humanitarian, political and security activities;

5. Urges all fundamental review of the mandate of the Operation by I February 1994 in the light of the report of the Secretary-General and his updated plan;

6. Urges all parties in Somalia, including movements and factions, to accelerate their efforts to achieve political reconciliation, peace and security and immediately to abide by the cease-fire and disarmament agreements reached in Addis Ababa, particularly the immediate cantonment of all heavy weapons;

7. Underscores the importance of the Somali people attammg specific goals in the context of political reconciliation, in particular the early establishment and effective functioning of all district and regional councils and an interim national authority;

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8. Stresses in this regard the importance it attaches to the accelerated implementation by the Somali people, with the assistance of the United Nations and donor countries, of the recommendations contained in annex I of the report of the Secretary-General of 17 August 199321 and endorsed by the Security Council in its resolution 865 (1993) of 22 September 1993, and in particular the establishment of an operational police, penal and judiciary system at the regional and district level as soon as feasible;

9. Reminds all parties in Somalia, including movements and factions, that continued United Nations involvement in Somalia depends on their active cooperation and tangible progress towards a political settlement;

10. Welcomes and supports the ongoing diplomatic efforts being made by Member States and international organizations, in particular those in the region, to assist United Nations efforts to bring all parties in Somalia, including movements and factions, to the negotiating table;

11. Reaffirms the obligations of States to implement fully the embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Somalia imposed by paragraph 5 of resolution 733 ( 1992);

12. Expresses concern at the destabilizing effects of cross-border arms flows in the region, affirms the importance it attaches to the security of the countries neighbouring Somalia, and calls for the cessation of such arms flows;

13. Welcomes the Fourth Coordination Meeting for Humanitarian Assistance for Somalia, to be held at Addis Ababa from 29 November to I December 1993;

14. Emphasizes the relationship between national rehabilitation and progress in the process of national reconciliation in Somalia, and encourages donor countries to make contributions to Somalia’s rehabilitation as demonstrable political progress occurs, and in particular to contribute urgently to rehabilitation projects in those regions where progress on political reconciliation and security has been made;

15. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have contributed to or provided logistical or other assistance to the Operation or offered to do so, and encourages those who are in a position to do so to contribute, on an urgent basis, troops, equipment, and financial and logistical support to enhance the Operation’s capability to carry out its mandate and to ensure the safety of the personnel;

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16. Requests the Secretary-General to ask the Somalia Trust Fund Committee to review claims and make payments on an urgent basis and urges Member States to make funds available directly or through the Somalia Trust Fund for priority projects, including the re-establishment of the Somali police and demining, on an urgent basis.

17. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted unanimously at the 3317th meeting.

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