United Nations Security Council Resolution 894 – Election process in South Africa
Resolution 894 (1994)
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its resolutions 765 (1992) of 16 July 1992 and 772 (1992) of17 August 1992,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the question of South Africa dated 10 January 1994 (S/1994/16),
Welcoming the further progress made in establishing a democratic,non-racial and united South Africa, and in particular the establishment of theTransitional Executive Council and the Independent Electoral Commission, and theagreement on the Interim Constitution,
Noting that the legal framework of the electoral process in South Africaleading to the elections to be held on 27 April 1994 is defined by theIndependent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the Electoral Acts, the IndependentMedia Commission Act and the Independent Broadcasting Authority Act,
Commending the positive contribution already made by the United NationsObserver Mission in South Africa (UNOMSA) to the transitional process in SouthAfrica and to efforts to curb violene,
Commending also the positive contribution of the Organization of AfricanUnity, the Commonwealth and the European Union in this regard,
Reiterating its determination to continue to support the process ofpeaceful democratic change in South Africa for the benefit of all SouthAfricans,
Recalling the statement made by the President of the Security Council on23 November 1993 (S/26785), in which the Security Council invited the Secretary-General to accelerate contingency planning for a possible United Nations role inthe election process, including coordination with the observer missions of theOrganization of African Unity, the Commonwealth and the European Union, toenable expeditious consideration of a request to the United Nations for suchassistance,
Noting General Assembly resolutions 48/159 A of 20 December 1993 and 48/230of 23 December 1993, in which the General Assembly, inter alia, requested theSecretary-General to accelerate planning for a United Nations role in theelection process, in consultation with the Security Council and in coordinationwith the observer missions of the Organization of African Unity, theCommonwealth and the European Union,
Having considered the request of the Transitional Executive Council thatthe United Nations provide a sufficient number of international observers tomonitor the electoral process and to coordinate the activities of the international observers provided by the Organization of African Unity, the Commonwealth and the European Union as well as those provided by Governments(S/1994/16), and accepting the need to respond urgently to this request,
- Welcomes with appreciation the report of the Secretary-General of10 January 1994 and agrees with the proposals contained therein concerning themandate and size of UNOMSA, including the proposals for the coordination of theactivities of the international observers provided by the Organization ofAfrican Unity, the Commonwealth and the European Union as well as those providedby any other intergovernmental organizations or Governments;
2. Urges all parties in South Africa, including those which did notparticipate fully in the multi-party talks, to respect agreements reached duringthe negotiations, to adhere to democratic principles, and to take part in theelections;
3. Calls upon all parties in South Africa to take measures to end the violence and intimidation and thus contribute to the conduct of free and fair elections, and expects that anyone who seeks to disrupt the elections will beheld accountable for such actions;
4. Calls also upon all parties in South Africa to respect the safety andsecurity of the international observers and to facilitate the carrying out oftheir mandate;
5. Welcomes the intention of the Secretary-General to set up a specialTrust Fund to finance the participation of additional observers from Africa andother developing countries and urges States to contribute generously to thisFund;
6. Decides to remain seized of the matter until a democratic, non-racial and united South Africa is established.
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3329th meeting,on 14 January 1994.