Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 905 – UN Mission in Haitia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 905 – UN Mission in Haitia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 905 – UN Mission in Haitia

Resolution 905 (1994)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 841 (1993) of 16 June 1993, 861 (1993) of27 August 1993, 862 (1993) of 31 August 1993, 867 (1993) of 23 September 1993,873 (1993) of 13 October 1993, and 875 (1993) of 16 October 1993,

Deeply disturbed by the continued obstruction to the dispatch of the United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH), pursuant to resolution 867 (1993), and the failure of the Armed Forces of Haiti to carry out their responsibilities toallow the mission to begin its work,

Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General of 26 November 1993(S/26802), 19 January 1994 (S/1994/54), and 18 March 1994 (S/1994/311),

Stressing the continuing importance of the Governors Island Agreement of3 July 1993 (S/26063) between the President of the Republic of Haiti and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Haiti towards promoting the return ofpeace and stability in Haiti, including the provisions of paragraph 5, under which the parties call for assistance for modernizing the Armed Forces of Haitiand establishing a new police force with the presence of United Nationspersonnel in these fields,

1. Takes note of the above-mentioned reports of the Secretary-General;

2. Decides to extend UNMIH’s mandate until 30 June 1994;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council at such timeas conditions may exist in Haiti for the deployment of UNMIH for purposesconsistent with paragraph 5 of the Governors Island Agreement, and to makespecific recommendations, taking into account circumstances at the time of thereport, on the composition of UNMIH and the scope of its activities within theoverall personnel levels established in resolution 867 (1993);

4. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

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Adopted by the Security Council at its 3352nd meeting,on 23 March 1994.

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