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United Nations Security Council Resolution 919 – South Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 919 – South Africa

Resolution 919 (1994)

The Security Council,

Recalling its re ybsolutions on the question of South Africa, in particularresolutions 282 (1970), 418 (1977), 421 (1977), 558 (1984) and 591 (1986),

Welcoming the first all-race multiparty election and the establishment of aunited, democratic, non-racial government of South Africa, which was inauguratedon 10 May 1994,

Taking note of the letter of 18 May 1994 from President Nelson R. Mandelaof the Republic of South Africa (S/1994/606, annex),

Stressing the urgent need to facilitate the process of reintegration ofSouth Africa in the international community, including the United Nationssystem,

  1. Decides, acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the UnitedNations, to terminate forthwith the mandatory arms embargo and otherrestrictions related to South Africa imposed by resolution 418 (1977) of4 November 1977.

2. Decides also to end forthwith all other measures against South Africacontained in resolutions of the Security Council, in particular those referredto in resolutions 282 (1970) of 23 July 1970, 558 (1984) of 13 December 1984 and591 (1986) of 28 November 1986;

3. Decides further to dissolve the Committee of the Security Councilestablished by resolution 421 (1977) concerning the question of South Africa, inaccordance with rule 28 of the provisional rules of procedure of the SecurityCouncil, effective from the date of the adoption of the present resolution;

4. Invites all States to consider reflecting the provisions of thisresolution as appropriate in their legislation.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3379th meeting,on 25 May 1994.

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