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United Nations Security Council Resolution 959 – UN Protection Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina

United Nations Security Council Resolution 959 – UN Protection Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Resolution 959 (1994)

The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions on the conflict in theRepublic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in particular its resolutions 824 (1993)and 836 (1993),

Reaffirming the need for a lasting peace settlement to be signed by all the Bosnian parties, and implemented in good faith by them, and condemning the decision by the Bosnian Serb party to refuse to accept the proposed territorial settlement (S/1994/1081),

Reaffirming also the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity ofthe Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Expressing special concern about the escalation in recent fighting in the Bihac pocket, including those in, from and around the safe areas, and the flow of refugees and displaced persons resulting from it,

Bearing in mind the importance of facilitating the return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes,

Taking note of the reports of the Secretary-General of 10 March 1994(S/1994/291) and 16 March 1994 (S/1994/300) and of his recommendations concerning the definition and implementation of the concept of safe areas in his report of 9 May 1994 (S/1994/555),

Recalling the statements by the President of the Security Council of6 April 1994 (S/PRST/1994/14), 30 June 1994 (S/PRST/1994/31), 13 November 1994(S/PRST/1994/66) and 18 November 1994 (S/PRST/1994/69),

Reaffirming its previous calls on all parties and others concerned to refrain from any hostile action that could cause further escalation in the fighting, and to achieve urgently a cease-fire in the Bihac area,

Reiterating the importance of maintaining Sarajevo, the capital of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a united city and a multicultural,multi-ethnic and pluri-religious centre, and noting in this context the positivecontribution that agreement between the parties on the demilitarization ofSarajevo could make to this end, to the restoration of normal life in Sarajevo,and to achieving an overall settlement, consistent with the Contact Group peaceplan,

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Taking note of the communiqué on Bosnia and Herzegovina issued on30 July 1994 by the Troika of the European Union and the Foreign Ministers ofthe Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandand the United States of America (S/1994/916) and, in particular, of their commitment to strengthen the regime of safe areas,

  1. Expresses its grave concern over the recent hostilities in Bosnia andHerzegovina;

2. Condemns any violation of the international border between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and demands thatall parties and others concerned, and in particular the so-called Krajina Serbforces, fully respect the border and refrain from hostile acts across it;

3. Expresses its full support for the efforts by the United NationsProtection Force (UNPROFOR), to ensure implementation of the Security Councilresolutions on safe areas;

4. Calls upon all the Bosnian parties to respect fully the status and functions of UNPROFOR and to cooperate with it in its efforts to ensureimplementation of the Security Council resolutions on safe areas and demandsthat all parties and others concerned show maximum restraint and put an end toall hostile actions in and around the safe areas in order to ensure thatUNPROFOR can carry out its mandate in this regard effectively and safely;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to update his recommendations onmodalities of the implementation of the concept of safe areas and to encourage UNPROFOR, in cooperation with the Bosnian parties, to continue their efforts to achieve agreements on strengthening the regimes of safe areas taking into account the specific situation in each case, and recalls its request to the Secretary-General in the statement by the President of the Security Council of13 November 1994 to report as soon as possible on any further measures tostabilize the situation in and around the safe area of Bihac;

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6. Further requests the Secretary-General and UNPROFOR to intensify efforts aimed at reaching agreement with the Bosnian parties on the modalities of demilitarization of Sarajevo, bearing in mind the need for the restoration of normal life to the city and for free access to and from the city by land and air and the free and unimpeded movement of people, goods and services in and around the city in line with its resolution 900 (1994), particularly operative paragraph 2;

7. Requests the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of the present resolution by 1 December 1994;

8. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3462nd meeting,on 19 November 1994.

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