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United Nations Security Council Resolution 976 – UN Angola Verification Mission III

United Nations Security Council Resolution 976 – UN Angola Verification Mission III

Resolution 976 (1995)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolution 696 (1991) of 30 May 1991 and all subsequent relevant resolutions,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General dated 1 February 1995(S/1995/97 and Add.1),

Reaffirming its commitment to preserve the unity and territorial integrity of Angola,

Welcoming the signing of the Lusaka Protocol of 20 November 1994(S/1994/1441, annex) as a major step towards the establishment of peace andstability in Angola,

Reiterating the importance it attaches to the full implementation of the”Acordos de Paz” (S/22609, annex), the Lusaka Protocol and relevant Security Council resolutions,

Noting the schedule for implementation set forth in the Lusaka Protocol, in particular the need for the Government of Angola and UNITA to provide all relevant military data to the United Nations, to allow freedom of movement and free circulation of goods, and to begin limited disengagement where forces are in contact,

Welcoming the maintenance of a cease-fire which has been generally holding,

Welcoming also the progress made in meetings of the Angolan Armed Forces And UNITA Chiefs of Staff on 10 January 1995 in Chipipa and on 2 to 3 February 1995 in Waco Kungo,

Further welcoming the deployment of United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM II) observer forces, and the contributions of Member States to this mission,

Welcoming the offer from the Government of Angola to provide substantialcontributions in-kind to United Nations peace-keeping operations in Angola asset out in “Costs of the Implementation of the Lusaka Protocol” (S/1994/1451),

Deeply concerned that the implementation of the Lusaka Protocol has fallen behind schedule,

Stressing the need for the President of Angola, Mr. Jose Eduardodos Santos, and the leader of UNITA, Dr. Jonas Savimbi, to meet without delay with a view to building the necessary political momentum for the successful implementation of the Lusaka Protocol,

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Welcoming the Ministerial delegation of the Organization of African Unity(OAU) to the Security Council to participate in its consideration of the situation in Angola,

  1. Authorizes the establishment of a peace-keeping operation, UNAVEM IIIto assist the parties in restoring peace and achieving national reconciliationin Angola on the basis of the “Acordos de Paz”, the Lusaka Protocol and relevant Security Council resolutions, as outlined in part IV of the report of theSecretary-General dated 1 February 1995, with an initial mandate until 8 August 1995 and with a maximum deployment of 7,000 military personnel, in addition to the 350 military observers and 260 police observers mentioned in theSecretary-General’s report, with an appropriate number of international andlocal staff;

2. Urges the expeditious deployment of the military and police observers to monitor the cease-fire;

3. Authorizes the immediate deployment of such planning and support elements as are needed to prepare for the deployment of peace-keeping forcesprovided that the Secretary-General remains satisfied that an effective cease-fire and effective joint cease-fire monitoring mechanisms are in place, and that both parties are allowing the free and safe flow of humanitarian assistance throughout the country, and authorizes the subsequent deployment of such additional elements as are necessary to establish operational quartering areas for UNITA forces;

4. Decides that the deployment of infantry units will take place on the basis of a report from the Secretary-General to the Security Council that the conditions contained in paragraph 32 of the Secretary-General’s report,inter alia, effective cessation of hostilities, provision of all relevant military data, and designation of all quartering areas, have been met, provided the Council does not decide otherwise;

5. Stresses the importance it attaches to the expeditious establishment of a well-coordinated and comprehensive mine clearance programme in Angola asset out in the Secretary-General’s report dated 1 February 1995, and requests him to inform the Council of progress in its implementation;

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6. Endorses the Secretary-General’s view set out in his report(S/1995/97 and Add.1) as to the need for UNAVEM III to have an effective information capability, including a United Nations radio station to be established in consultation with the Government of Angola;

7. Requests the Secretary-General to inform the Council monthly of progress in the deployment of UNAVEM III and in implementation of the Lusaka Protocol, including the maintenance of an effective cease-fire, free access by UNAVEM III to all areas of Angola, free flow of humanitarian assistance throughout Angola and compliance by both the Government of Angola and by UNITA with their obligations under the Lusaka Protocol, and further requests the Secretary-General to submit to the Council a complete report by 15 July 1995;

8. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s intention to include human rights specialists in the political component of UNAVEM III to observe the implementation of the provisions related to national reconciliation;

9. Expresses its intention to review the role of the United Nations in Angola should the Secretary-General report that the cooperation required from the parties is substantially delayed or not forthcoming;

10. Declares its intention to conclude the mission of UNAVEM III when the objectives of the Lusaka Protocol have been achieved in accordance with the schedule attached to the Lusaka Protocol and with the expectation of its completion by February 1997;

11. Welcomes the substantial contributions of the Member States, United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations to meet the humanitarian needs of the Angolan people and encourages additional substantial contributions;

12. Reaffirms the obligation of all States to implement fully the provisions of paragraph 19 of resolution 864 (1993), and calls upon the Government of Angola and UNITA during UNAVEM III’s presence in Angola to cease any acquisition of arms and war materiel, as agreed upon in the “Acordos dePaz”, and to devote their resources instead to priority humanitarian and social needs;

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13. Calls upon the Government of Angola to conclude no later than 20 March 1995 an agreement with the United Nations on the Status of Forces;

14. Encourages the Secretary-General to pursue urgently the offer of direct assistance by the Government of Angola to UNAVEM III, to reflect this as appropriate in the Status of Forces Agreement referred to in paragraph 13 above,and to explore with the Government of Angola and UNITA possibilities for substantial additional assistance related to peace-keeping and to report to the Council on the results of these explorations;

15. Urges Member States to respond positively to the request made to them by the Secretary-General to contribute personnel, equipment and other resources to UNAVEM III in order to facilitate its early deployment;

16. Demands that all concerned in Angola take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and freedom of movement of United Nations and other personnel deployed under UNAVEM III;

17. Welcomes the presence of the OAU Ministerial delegation and notes, inthis connection, the need for continued cooperation between the United Nationsand the OAU in the promotion of peace and security in Angola and thecontribution which regional organizations can make to crisis management andconflict resolution;

18. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3499th meeting,on 8 February 1995.

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